zoom now works please join PERK Meeting November 20 City of Kenmore City Hall 4:30-6:30pm

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On 11/20/2024 8:43 AM PST Reilly Rosbotham <rrosbotham@kenmorewa.gov> wrote:

Hi Elizabeth, currently, the internet is out in City Hall because of the wind storm, so I’m working from home today. I’ll be at home all day, but I expect the internet will be restored before 4:30 – if you send me a meeting link, I’m still happy to attend virtually if that works?

Also – I’ll let you know once I hear that the internet is back up at City Hall.


Reilly Rosbotham (any/all)

Planner | City of Kenmore

18120 68th Ave NE | Kenmore, WA 98028

Direct: (425) 984-6186 | RRosbotham

Development Services Disclaimer: The information provided in this email is based on current codes and the knowledge available to the City of Kenmore at the time of the response and is not intended to be a binding agreement. All responses and information provided within are subject to change. The information provided in this email is subject to change resulting from, but not limited to, changes or updates to the Kenmore Municipal Code, changes or updates to County, State, or Federal laws or regulations, changes in site conditions, both to the physical site or to surrounding development, and misinformation, including errors, omissions, or false representation in the submitted documents or available information. The information is further limited to scope of review of the person directly providing the response and is not intended to limit, or imply compliance with, the requirements of other City departments or any other permitting agencies which may have an interest in the project discussed. It is your responsibility to notify the sender if you are unable to open and/or print the attachment(s).

From: ELIZABETH MOONEY <elizabeth.mooney@comcast.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 7:33 PM
To: Tracy Banaszynski <tlbanaszynski@yahoo.com>; Lance, Peter <peter.v.lance@gmail.com>; Orlay Johnson <orlay@comcast.net>; Myers, Jim <oda1959@comcast.net>; Mamie Bolender <mamiebolender@gmail.com>; Clyde Merriwether <crmerr@comcast.net>; kelly Kearns <kellyk@sbcglobal.net>; jari kristensen <jari.kristensen@gmail.com>
Cc: ELIZABETH MOONEY <elizabeth.mooney@comcast.net>; bohdimom@gmail.com; CI Council <ci_council@kenmorewa.gov>; Mamie Bolender <mamiebolender@gmail.com>; Reilly Rosbotham <rrosbotham@kenmorewa.gov>; Nina Rasmussen <nrasmussen@kenmorewa.gov>; Richard Sawyer <rsawyer@kenmorewa.gov>; Eric Adman SKWC Eric SKWC <snokingwatershedcouncil@gmail.com>; jim halliday <jimh123@outlook.com>; Rob Karlinsey <rKarlinsey@kenmorewa.gov>
Subject: PERK Meeting November 20 City of Kenmore City Hall 4:30-6:30pm

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Dear All,

PERK meeting tomorrow Wednesday Nov 20 at city hall 4:30pm.

Attached is draft agenda.

People for an Environmentally Responsible Kenmore Meeting


November, 20, 2024

Kenmore City Hall

Community Meeting Room

People for an Environmentally Responsible Kenmore


4:30 – 6:30 (Room opens 4:30)



Updates from Kenmore City Staff – Larus, CAP, Tree ordinance, maybe Lakepointe—Reilly and Nina and other staff (if interested)


1.Salmonids in Tschet Cha Thl WRIA 08.0056

2.Land restoration: Property owned by city of Kenmore on 61st Ave NE- ideas for work- fund raiser for insurance-Sally Calverzan

3.StreamFest 2024- Follow up: Plans for StreamFest 2025 date proposed.

4. WaterWorks grant – quarterly report due Jan 31; sediment testing protocol TBD

5. Future meeting date January 2025

6. PERK membership drive/fundrasier PERK t-shirts $22 donation

7.Update on the WSDOT culvert replacement at Jack in the Box

8. COMP plan suggestions-Jim Howard

9. Mobile home updates -Stacy ?

10. Sturgeon updates

11. EERC Waterworks event in 2025—date to be announced

Treasurer’s report – donations and membership

6:15 Adjourn for conversation

6:30 Depart for dinner /drinks if anybody wants to join at Stoup Brewing

Power may go out soon.

Thank you!


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