21 April
KCAC/PERK Proposed AgendaZoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85042606127?pwd=bk8wTE1vU0dCZlFZQ0NvUVVEZldSZz09
Kenmore Clean Air Coalition- People for an Environmentally Responsible Kenmore
Wednesday 5pm- 6pm -zoom
Old Business
- Citizen Science Monitoring of Cadman Emissions-data collection- (how often ?)
- Love of Kenmore Actions – Signage, Walks, ideas such as Dressing up Herons on corner of SR 522 and 68th for Earth Day
- Microsoft air monitor report still pending
- Lending library of air monitors from PSCAA- application available for data collection5. Kenmore City Council Coffee April 17 (Later met with Council Member Kugler on April 18th)
New Business -
Kathy Strange (PSCAA)- Air Monitor Lending Library PSCAA will talk to Kenmore City Council on April 26th
- Arrange meeting time for Ron Sahu (consultant) for air monitoring and lab analysis (in May)
- Discuss expanding concerns regarding Cadman emissions to include Green House Gas
- PSCAA Board Meeting (April 22 ?)
- KCAC/PERK Noon Walk at Logboom (Burke Gillman), Earth Day Walk w/ Air Monitor (also contacted Seattle Electric Vehicle Association*)
- Earth Day Proclamation and Honors for Aditi Jain and Sofia Leotta
Action Items
1. Data collection
2. Signage/flyers at parks
3. History of asphalt facility issue write up /library of documents
4. Survey -symptoms